epsom salts

Epsom Salt for Softer Skin, Fuller Hair, and More

Epsom salt has many benefits that may surprise you. For instance, athletes use it to ease sore muscles while gardeners sprinkle it on plants to help them grow. But did you know that it can also benefit your skin and hair? These salts contain magnesium and sulfate, two naturally occurring mineral compounds. They also have healing and beautifying properties. So, whether you want clearer, softer skin, thicker hair, or want to relax, Epsom salt works. Make sure you stock up on this miracle worker to reap the following benefits:

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Gently Exfoliates the Skin

Many people use this salt for exfoliating, cleansing, and removing blackheads. One of the best things about Epsom salt is that it does not contain plastic, unlike many exfoliators on the market. It also provides a gentle abrasion and dissolves quickly in the shower water.

Adds Volume to Hair Strands

Epsom salt works well as a hair volumizer since it effectively removes dirt and oil. As a result, your hair will undoubtedly become softer and more voluminous. Try this: Combine equal parts Epsom salt and the conditioner of your choice. Massage it into your hair, and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse your hair. If you aim to remove excess oil, add a handful when you shampoo and wash your hair as usual.

Moisturizes, Softens, and De-Flakes Lips

Frequently licking your lips and cold weather can cause dry, flaky lips. Adding a teaspoon of petroleum jelly to a couple of tablespoons of Epsom salt is a simple way to improve the look of your lips. First, gently massage the mixture onto your lips. Then wipe it off. It will leave your lips feeling soft and supple.

Reduces Bloating Temporarily

Bathing in this mineral salt can help reduce water weight temporarily. It works because the salt pulls water and toxins out of your body. A bath recipe to try: For every 50 pounds of body weight, add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt to your warm bath. It is time to relax in a warm salt bath.

epsom salt for skin

Eases Sore Muscles

An ankle sprain or pain can be relieved with these salts because they can help drain toxins and reduce inflammation. The Mayo Clinic recommends 2 cups of Epsom salt per gallon of warm water for adults. Then soak for a minimum of 15 minutes. However, it is best not to run the water too hot, as this could exacerbate the swelling rather than reduce it.

Calms the Mind

This product can positively affect mood and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. According to research, magnesium increases serotonin (the happy chemical) production in the brain. So, turn off your electronics, put on some music, dim the lights, and relax in a salt bath.

Softens Calluses on the Feet

Try this simple at-home softening treatment if your feet feel a bit rough around the edges: Add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt to a bathtub of warm water. Soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes. You can then wet some salt and use it to slough off the dead, callused skin on your feet. By doing this, your skin will become smoother and softer.

Hydrates the Skin

Winter is the time when dry, rough skin prevails. As a countermeasure, pour 2 cups of Epsom salt into a bath. Next, add coconut or olive oil. Soak for about 20 minutes. Obviously, the longer you stay in the tub, the more your skin will become drier. However, bathing in Epsom salt and oil will undoubtedly hydrate your skin.

Strengthens the Bones

Epsom salt is rich in magnesium. So by taking a bath in it, your body will absorb the mineral, which is beneficial to the bones. Most people believe calcium alone is essential for bone health, but magnesium plays a significant role.

Do you use Epsom salt? How do you use it? Share in the comments below.

If you are looking for more skincare tips, check out These Moisturizing Mistakes Aren’t What You Expect.

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