Young woman applying makeup using 10 commandments

The 10 Commandments for Applying Makeup

When it comes to makeup, there are certain rules that always apply. From prepping your skin to choosing the right lip color, here are the 10 commandments for applying makeup.

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1. Thou Shalt Start With a Clean Face

It is important to start with a clean face before applying makeup. Makeup will go on more evenly and last longer if you prep your skin first. If you have time, do a quick at-home facial to cleanse and exfoliate your skin. Otherwise, wash your face with a gentle cleanser and apply a light moisturizer.

Woman washing her face

2. Thou Shalt Use a Primer

A good primer is the key to a perfect makeup look. It creates a smooth canvas for your foundation and can help your makeup last longer. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, there’s a primer out there that’s perfect for you. So, make sure to complete this step in your beauty routine!

3. Thou Shalt Know Thy Undertone

Your skin undertone is the foundation for your perfect match. It determines which colors work best on your skin. There are three undertone categories: warm, cool, and neutral. To find out your undertone, ask yourself if gold or silver looks better on you. If gold, you have a warm undertone. If silver, you have a cool undertone. And if you look good in both, then you have a neutral undertone. Knowing your skin’s undertone is key to finding the right foundation and choosing the best color palettes for your hue.

4. Thou Shalt Apply Concealer Only Where Needed

Concealer is one of the most versatile makeup products out there. You can use it to cover up blemishes, under-eye circles, and other imperfections. But how do you know where to apply it?
The answer is simple: only where needed. Start by assessing your skin. What areas do you want to cover? Once you’ve identified them, take your concealer and apply it directly to those areas.
Remember, a little goes a long way. Use a light hand when applying concealer and build up the coverage as needed. If you’re unsure how much to use, start with a small amount and add more as needed.

Young woman applying concealer

5. Thou Shalt Not Forget About Sunscreen

No matter what time of year it is, sunscreen should always be on your radar. In the summer, we are more aware of the harmful effects of UV rays and are more diligent about applying sunscreen. However, in the winter months, we often forget about the sun’s damaging effects. Just because there’s no beach in sight doesn’t mean you can skimp on the SPF. Snow reflects the sun’s rays, which can be just as harmful as direct sunlight. So, make sure you’re slathering up with broad-spectrum sunscreen before heading outdoors!

6. Thou Shalt Use Foundation Sparingly

Foundation should be applied sparingly in order to avoid looking cakey. A little goes a long way when it comes to foundation, so start with a small amount and build up as needed. Use a foundation brush or beauty sponge to apply your foundation for a flawless finish.

Young woman applying foundation sparingly

7. Thou Shalt Set Thy Makeup

Setting spray is a must-have for anyone who wants their makeup to last. Whether you’re going to a party or want to look good for your selfie, a setting spray will help keep your makeup in place. If you’re on a budget, look no further than this setting spray that holds makeup in place and provides a matte, shine-free finish. Also, if you have oily skin, adding a spritz of setting spray underneath your foundation will help keep oil at bay.

8. Thou Shalt Use Powder to Mattify Oily Areas

If you have oily skin, then you know the struggle of trying to keep your makeup looking fresh all day long. Even if you use a setting spray, by the end of the day, your face is usually a grease-fest. But have no fear; this powder is here to save the day! Just apply some to your T-zone or any other areas that tend to get oily, and voila, your face will stay matte for hours.

9. Thou Shalt Choose the Right Color for Your Lips

What’s the perfect color for your lips? It depends on many factors, including your skin tone, hair color, and personal preference. But there are some general guidelines you can follow to help you choose the right shade. If you have fair skin, look for colors with a pink or nude base. Try shades with a peachy or coral base if you have medium skin. And if you have dark skin, go for colors with a rich berry or chocolate base. The CoverGirl tinted lip balms are my current favorite ’til something else comes along.😉 I like that they are super moisturizing and add just a hint of color to my lips.

10. Thou Shalt Not Overdo It With Thy Makeup

Makeup is a great way to enhance your natural beauty, but it’s important not to overdo it. Too much makeup can actually end up making you look worse than if you had none on at all. Use makeup to accentuate your best features, and don’t be afraid to experiment until you find a look that you love.

Young woman applying lots of makeup

Applying makeup is an art form, and like any art form, there are certain rules that should be followed in order to create a masterpiece. By following these 10 commandments for applying makeup, you’ll be on your way to looking flawless every time.

Which of these 10 commandments do you follow when applying makeup? We would like to hear from you. Leave us a comment below.

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